All Unit tests
Current file: C:\code\midiparser\src\Midi\Parsing\FileParser.php
Legend: executed not executed dead code

  Classes Functions / Methods Lines
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 7 / 7
100.00% 59 / 59
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 7 / 7
100.00% 59 / 59
 public function __construct(TrackParser $trackParser = null)
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 6 / 6
 public function getTracksParsed()
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 1 / 1
 public function getTracksExpected()
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 1 / 1
 protected function afterLoad()
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 2 / 2
 protected function getRawFileHeader()
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 1 / 1
 public function parseFileHeader($header)
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 17 / 17
 public function parse()
100.00% 1 / 1
100.00% 30 / 30

       1                 : <?php                                                                                                            
       2                 :                                                                                                                  
       3                 :     /**                                                                                                          
       4                 :      * \Midi\Parsing\FileParser                                                                                  
       5                 :      *                                                                                                           
       6                 :      * @package    Midi                                                                                          
       7                 :      * @subpackage Parsing                                                                                       
       8                 :      * @copyright  © 2009 Tommy Montgomery <>                                           
       9                 :      * @since      1.0                                                                                           
      10                 :      */                                                                                                          
      11                 :                                                                                                                  
      12                 :     namespace Midi\Parsing;                                                                                      
      13                 :                                                                                                                  
      14                 :     use \Midi\FileHeader;                                                                                        
      15                 :     use \Midi\Util\Util;                                                                                         
      16                 :                                                                                                                  
      17                 :     /**                                                                                                          
      18                 :      * Class for parsing MIDI files                                                                              
      19                 :      *                                                                                                           
      20                 :      * @package    Midi                                                                                          
      21                 :      * @subpackage Parsing                                                                                       
      22                 :      * @since      1.0                                                                                           
      23                 :      */                                                                                                          
      24               1 :     class FileParser extends Parser {                                                                            
      25                 :                                                                                                                  
      26                 :         /**                                                                                                      
      27                 :          * @var TrackParser                                                                                      
      28                 :          */                                                                                                      
      29                 :         private $trackParser;                                                                                    
      30                 :                                                                                                                  
      31                 :         /**                                                                                                      
      32                 :          * The number of tracks parsed thus far                                                                  
      33                 :          *                                                                                                       
      34                 :          * @var int                                                                                              
      35                 :          */                                                                                                      
      36                 :         private $tracksParsed;                                                                                   
      37                 :                                                                                                                  
      38                 :         /**                                                                                                      
      39                 :          * The number of tracks expected to be parsed                                                            
      40                 :          *                                                                                                       
      41                 :          * @var int                                                                                              
      42                 :          */                                                                                                      
      43                 :         private $tracksExpected;                                                                                 
      44                 :                                                                                                                  
      45                 :         /**                                                                                                      
      46                 :          * Constructor                                                                                           
      47                 :          *                                                                                                       
      48                 :          * The parse state is initialized to {@link ParseState::FILE_HEADER}.                                    
      49                 :          *                                                                                                       
      50                 :          * @since 1.0                                                                                            
      51                 :          * @uses  setState()                                                                                     
      52                 :          *                                                                                                       
      53                 :          * @param  TrackParser $trackParser                                                                      
      54                 :          */                                                                                                      
      55                 :         public function __construct(TrackParser $trackParser = null) {                                           
      56              15 :             parent::__construct();                                                                               
      57              15 :             $this->trackParser    = ($trackParser === null) ? new TrackParser() : $trackParser;                  
      58              15 :             $this->tracksParsed   = 0;                                                                           
      59              15 :             $this->tracksExpected = 0;                                                                           
      60                 :                                                                                                                  
      61              15 :             $this->setState(ParseState::FILE_HEADER);                                                            
      62              15 :         }                                                                                                        
      63                 :                                                                                                                  
      64                 :         /**                                                                                                      
      65                 :          * Gets the number of tracks that have been parsed so far                                                
      66                 :          *                                                                                                       
      67                 :          * @since 1.0                                                                                            
      68                 :          *                                                                                                       
      69                 :          * @return int                                                                                           
      70                 :          */                                                                                                      
      71                 :         public function getTracksParsed() {                                                                      
      72               1 :             return $this->tracksParsed;                                                                          
      73                 :         }                                                                                                        
      74                 :                                                                                                                  
      75                 :         /**                                                                                                      
      76                 :          * Gets the number of tracks that should be in the MIDI file                                             
      77                 :          *                                                                                                       
      78                 :          * @since 1.0                                                                                            
      79                 :          *                                                                                                       
      80                 :          * @return int                                                                                           
      81                 :          */                                                                                                      
      82                 :         public function getTracksExpected() {                                                                    
      83               1 :             return $this->tracksExpected;                                                                        
      84                 :         }                                                                                                        
      85                 :                                                                                                                  
      86                 :         /**                                                                                                      
      87                 :          * @since 1.0                                                                                            
      88                 :          * @uses  TrackParser::setBuffer()                                                                       
      89                 :          */                                                                                                      
      90                 :         protected function afterLoad() {                                                                         
      91               1 :             $this->trackParser->setFile($this->file);                                                            
      92               1 :         }                                                                                                        
      93                 :                                                                                                                  
      94                 :         /**                                                                                                      
      95                 :          * Gets the raw binary file header                                                                       
      96                 :          *                                                                                                       
      97                 :          * @since 1.0                                                                                            
      98                 :          * @uses  read()                                                                                         
      99                 :          * @uses  FileHeader::LENGTH                                                                             
     100                 :          *                                                                                                       
     101                 :          * @return binary                                                                                        
     102                 :          */                                                                                                      
     103                 :         protected function getRawFileHeader() {                                                                  
     104               1 :             return $this->read(FileHeader::LENGTH, true);                                                        
     105                 :         }                                                                                                        
     106                 :                                                                                                                  
     107                 :         /**                                                                                                      
     108                 :          * Parses the given file header                                                                          
     109                 :          *                                                                                                       
     110                 :          * @since 1.0                                                                                            
     111                 :          * @uses  FileHeader::LENGTH                                                                             
     112                 :          * @uses  Util::unpack()                                                                                 
     113                 :          *                                                                                                       
     114                 :          * @param  binary $header                                                                                
     115                 :          * @throws InvalidArgumentException                                                                      
     116                 :          * @throws {@link ParseException} if the file header is not a valid MIDI file header                     
     117                 :          * @return FileHeader                                                                                    
     118                 :          */                                                                                                      
     119                 :         public function parseFileHeader($header) {                                                               
     120               5 :             if (strlen($header) !== FileHeader::LENGTH) {                                                        
     121               1 :                 throw new \InvalidArgumentException('MIDI file header must be ' . FileHeader::LENGTH . ' bytes');
     122                 :             }                                                                                                    
     123                 :                                                                                                                  
     124               4 :             $id           = Util::unpack(substr($header, 0, 4));                                                 
     125               4 :             $chunkSize    = Util::unpack(substr($header, 4, 4));                                                 
     126               4 :             $format       = Util::unpack(substr($header, 8, 2));                                                 
     127               4 :             $tracks       = Util::unpack(substr($header, 10, 2));                                                
     128               4 :             $timeDivision = Util::unpack(substr($header, 12, 2));                                                
     129                 :                                                                                                                  
     130               4 :             if ($id !== array(0x4D, 0x54, 0x68, 0x64)) {                                                         
     131               1 :                 throw new ParseException('Invalid file header, expected byte sequence [4D 54 68 64]');           
     132                 :             }                                                                                                    
     133               3 :             if ($chunkSize !== array(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06)) {                                                  
     134               1 :                 throw new ParseException('File header chunk size must be [00 00 00 06]');                        
     135                 :             }                                                                                                    
     136                 :                                                                                                                  
     137               2 :             $format       = ($format[0] << 8) | $format[1];                                                      
     138               2 :             $timeDivision = ($timeDivision[0] << 8) | $timeDivision[1];                                          
     139               2 :             $tracks       = ($tracks[0] << 8) | $tracks[1];                                                      
     140                 :                                                                                                                  
     141               2 :             if ($format !== 0 && $format !== 1 && $format !== 2) {                                               
     142               1 :                 throw new ParseException('MIDI file format must be 0, 1 or 2 (got ' . $format . ')');            
     143                 :             }                                                                                                    
     144                 :                                                                                                                  
     145               1 :             return new FileHeader($format, $tracks, $timeDivision);                                              
     146                 :         }                                                                                                        
     147                 :                                                                                                                  
     148                 :         /**                                                                                                      
     149                 :          * @since 1.0                                                                                            
     150                 :          * @uses  getState()                                                                                     
     151                 :          * @uses  parseFileHeader()                                                                              
     152                 :          * @uses  getRawFileHeader()                                                                             
     153                 :          * @uses  Chunk::getData()                                                                               
     154                 :          * @uses  TrackParser::parse()                                                                           
     155                 :          * @uses  TrackParser::getState()                                                                        
     156                 :          *                                                                                                       
     157                 :          * @throws {@link ParseException}                                                                        
     158                 :          * @return Chunk                                                                                         
     159                 :          */                                                                                                      
     160                 :         public function parse() {                                                                                
     161               7 :             $chunk = null;                                                                                       
     162               7 :             $state = $this->getState();                                                                          
     163                 :             switch ($state) {                                                                                    
     164               7 :                 case ParseState::FILE_HEADER:                                                                    
     165               1 :                     $chunk                = $this->parseFileHeader($this->getRawFileHeader());                   
     166               1 :                     list(, $numTracks, )  = $chunk->getData();                                                   
     167               1 :                     $this->tracksExpected = $numTracks;                                                          
     168               1 :                     $this->setState(ParseState::TRACK_HEADER);                                                   
     169               1 :                     break;                                                                                       
     170               6 :                 case ParseState::TRACK_HEADER:                                                                   
     171               6 :                 case ParseState::EVENT:                                                                          
     172               6 :                 case ParseState::DELTA:                                                                          
     173               3 :                     $chunk    = $this->trackParser->parse();                                                     
     174               3 :                     $newState = $this->trackParser->getState();                                                  
     175                 :                                                                                                                  
     176               3 :                     if ($newState === ParseState::TRACK_HEADER) {                                                
     177               1 :                         $this->tracksParsed++;                                                                   
     178               1 :                         if ($this->getTracksParsed() >= $this->getTracksExpected()) {                            
     179               1 :                             $newState = ParseState::EOF;                                                         
     180               1 :                         }                                                                                        
     181               1 :                     }                                                                                            
     182                 :                                                                                                                  
     183               3 :                     $this->setState($newState);                                                                  
     184               3 :                     break;                                                                                       
     185               3 :                 case ParseState::EOF:                                                                            
     186                 :                     //the pointer is not beyond the buffer length at this point                                  
     187                 :                     //one more should push it over the edge                                                      
     188               2 :                     $this->file->fgetc();                                                                        
     189               2 :                     if (!$this->file->eof()) {                                                                   
     190                 :                         //$this->file->fseek(-1, SEEK_CUR);                                                      
     191               1 :                         throw new ParseException('Expected EOF');                                                
     192                 :                     }                                                                                            
     193               1 :                     break;                                                                                       
     194               1 :                 default:                                                                                         
     195               1 :                     throw new StateException('Unknown parse state: ' . $state);                                  
     196               1 :             }                                                                                                    
     197                 :                                                                                                                  
     198               5 :             return $chunk;                                                                                       
     199                 :         }                                                                                                        
     200                 :                                                                                                                  
     201                 :     }                                                                                                            
     202                 :                                                                                                                  

Generated by PHPUnit 3.4.1 and Xdebug 2.0.5 using PHP 5.3.0 at Sun Oct 25 23:35:09 PDT 2009.