Class Note


Represents each MIDI note

  • since: 1.0

Located in /Util/Note.php (line 21)

Class Constant Summary
 A0 = 21
 A1 = 33
 A2 = 45
 A3 = 57
 A4 = 69
 A5 = 81
 A6 = 93
 A7 = 105
 A8 = 117
 ASharp0 = 22
 ASharp1 = 34
 ASharp2 = 46
 ASharp3 = 58
 ASharp4 = 70
 ASharp5 = 82
 ASharp6 = 94
 ASharp7 = 106
 ASharp8 = 118
 ASharpX = 10
 AX = 9
 B0 = 23
 B1 = 35
 B2 = 47
 B3 = 59
 B4 = 71
 B5 = 83
 B6 = 95
 B7 = 107
 B8 = 119
 BassDrum1 = 36
 BX = 11
 C0 = 12
 C1 = 24
 C2 = 36
 C3 = 48
 C4 = 60
 C5 = 72
 C6 = 84
 C7 = 96
 C8 = 108
 C9 = 120
 Cabasa = 69
 Claves = 75
 Cowbell = 56
 CSharp0 = 13
 CSharp1 = 25
 CSharp2 = 37
 CSharp3 = 49
 CSharp4 = 61
 CSharp5 = 73
 CSharp6 = 85
 CSharp7 = 97
 CSharp8 = 109
 CSharp9 = 121
 CSharpX = 1
 CX = 0
 D0 = 14
 D1 = 26
 D2 = 38
 D3 = 50
 D4 = 62
 D5 = 74
 D6 = 86
 D7 = 98
 D8 = 110
 D9 = 122
 DSharp0 = 15
 DSharp1 = 27
 DSharp2 = 39
 DSharp3 = 51
 DSharp4 = 63
 DSharp5 = 75
 DSharp6 = 87
 DSharp7 = 99
 DSharp8 = 111
 DSharp9 = 123
 DSharpX = 3
 DX = 2
 E0 = 16
 E1 = 28
 E2 = 40
 E3 = 52
 E4 = 64
 E5 = 76
 E6 = 88
 E7 = 100
 E8 = 112
 E9 = 124
 EX = 4
 F0 = 17
 F1 = 29
 F2 = 41
 F3 = 53
 F4 = 65
 F5 = 77
 F6 = 89
 F7 = 101
 F8 = 113
 F9 = 125
 FSharp0 = 18
 FSharp1 = 30
 FSharp2 = 42
 FSharp3 = 54
 FSharp4 = 66
 FSharp5 = 78
 FSharp6 = 90
 FSharp7 = 102
 FSharp8 = 114
 FSharp9 = 126
 FSharpX = 6
 FX = 5
 G0 = 19
 G1 = 31
 G2 = 43
 G3 = 55
 G4 = 67
 G5 = 79
 G6 = 91
 G7 = 103
 G8 = 115
 G9 = 127
 GSharp0 = 20
 GSharp1 = 32
 GSharp2 = 44
 GSharp3 = 56
 GSharp4 = 68
 GSharp5 = 80
 GSharp6 = 92
 GSharp7 = 104
 GSharp8 = 116
 GSharpX = 8
 GX = 7
 HandClap = 39
 HiBongo = 60
 HighAgogo = 67
 HighTom = 50
 HiMidTom = 48
 LongGuiro = 74
 LowAgogo = 68
 LowBongo = 61
 LowConga = 64
 LowMidTom = 47
 LowTimbale = 66
 LowTom = 45
 Maracas = 70
 MuteCuica = 78
 OpenCuica = 79
 OpenHiHat = 46
 PedalHiHat = 44
 RideBell = 53
 Shaker = 82
 ShortGuiro = 73
 SideStick = 37
 Tambourine = 54
 Vibraslap = 58
Variable Summary
static array $drumNoteMap
static array $noteMap
Method Summary
static string getDrumNoteName (int $note)
static string getNoteName (int $note)
static array $drumNoteMap = array(
35 => 'AcousticBassDrum',
36 => 'BassDrum1',
37 => 'SideStick',
38 => 'AcousticSnare',
39 => 'HandClap',
40 => 'ElectricSnare',
41 => 'LowFloorTom',
42 => 'ClosedHiHat',
43 => 'HighFloorTom',
44 => 'PedalHiHat',
45 => 'LowTom',
46 => 'OpenHiHat',
47 => 'LowMidTom',
48 => 'HiMidTom',
49 => 'CrashCymbal1',
50 => 'HighTom',
51 => 'RideCymbal1',
52 => 'ChineseCymbal',
53 => 'RideBell',
54 => 'Tambourine',
55 => 'SplashCymbal',
56 => 'Cowbell',
57 => 'CrashCymbal2',
58 => 'Vibraslap',
59 => 'RideCymbal2',
60 => 'HiBongo',
61 => 'LowBongo',
62 => 'MuteHiConga',
63 => 'OpenHiConga',
64 => 'LowConga',
65 => 'HighTimbale',
66 => 'LowTimbale',
67 => 'HighAgogo',
68 => 'LowAgogo',
69 => 'Cabasa',
70 => 'Maracas',
71 => 'ShortWhistle',
72 => 'LongWhistle',
73 => 'ShortGuiro',
74 => 'LongGuiro',
75 => 'Claves',
76 => 'HiWoodBlock',
77 => 'LowWoodBlock',
78 => 'MuteCuica',
79 => 'OpenCuica',
80 => 'MuteTriangle',
81 => 'OpenTriangle',
82 => 'Shaker'
(line 1220)

Maps drum constants to their name

  • access: public
static array $noteMap = array(
0 => 'CX',
1 => 'C#X',
2 => 'DX',
3 => 'D#X',
4 => 'EX',
5 => 'FX',
6 => 'F#X',
7 => 'GX',
8 => 'G#X',
9 => 'AX',
10 => 'A#X',
11 => 'BX',
12 => 'C0',
13 => 'C#0',
14 => 'D0',
15 => 'D#0',
16 => 'E0',
17 => 'F0',
18 => 'F#0',
19 => 'G0',
20 => 'G#0',
21 => 'A0',
22 => 'A#0',
23 => 'B0',
24 => 'C1',
25 => 'C#1',
26 => 'D1',
27 => 'D#1',
28 => 'E1',
29 => 'F1',
30 => 'F#1',
31 => 'G1',
32 => 'G#1',
33 => 'A1',
34 => 'A#1',
35 => 'B1',
36 => 'C2',
37 => 'C#2',
38 => 'D2',
39 => 'D#2',
40 => 'E2',
41 => 'F2',
42 => 'F#2',
43 => 'G2',
44 => 'G#2',
45 => 'A2',
46 => 'A#2',
47 => 'B2',
48 => 'C3',
49 => 'C#3',
50 => 'D3',
51 => 'D#3',
52 => 'E3',
53 => 'F3',
54 => 'F#3',
55 => 'G3',
56 => 'G#3',
57 => 'A3',
58 => 'A#3',
59 => 'B3',
60 => 'C4',
61 => 'C#4',
62 => 'D4',
63 => 'D#4',
64 => 'E4',
65 => 'F4',
66 => 'F#4',
67 => 'G4',
68 => 'G#4',
69 => 'A4',
70 => 'A#4',
71 => 'B4',
72 => 'C5',
73 => 'C#5',
74 => 'D5',
75 => 'D#5',
76 => 'E5',
77 => 'F5',
78 => 'F#5',
79 => 'G5',
80 => 'G#5',
81 => 'A5',
82 => 'A#5',
83 => 'B5',
84 => 'C6',
85 => 'C#6',
86 => 'D6',
87 => 'D#6',
88 => 'E6',
89 => 'F6',
90 => 'F#6',
91 => 'G6',
92 => 'G#6',
93 => 'A6',
94 => 'A#6',
95 => 'B6',
96 => 'C7',
97 => 'C#7',
98 => 'D7',
99 => 'D#7',
100 => 'E7',
101 => 'F7',
102 => 'F#7',
103 => 'G7',
104 => 'G#7',
105 => 'A7',
106 => 'A#7',
107 => 'B7',
108 => 'C8',
109 => 'C#8',
110 => 'D8',
111 => 'D#8',
112 => 'E8',
113 => 'F8',
114 => 'F#8',
115 => 'G8',
116 => 'G#8',
117 => 'A8',
118 => 'A#8',
119 => 'B8',
120 => 'C9',
121 => 'C#9',
122 => 'D9',
123 => 'D#9',
124 => 'E9',
125 => 'F9',
126 => 'F#9',
127 => 'G9'
(line 1084)

Maps note constants to their name

  • access: private
static method getDrumNoteName (line 1280)

Gets the friendly name of the drum note

  • throws: InvalidArgumentException
  • since: 1.0
  • access: public
static string getDrumNoteName (int $note)
  • int $note: One of the Note constants
static method getNoteName (line 1297)

Gets the friendly name of the MIDI note

static string getNoteName (int $note)
  • int $note: One of the Note constants
Class Constants
A0 = 21 (line 153)

Describe this variable

A1 = 33 (line 225)

Describe this variable

A2 = 45 (line 297)

Describe this variable

A3 = 57 (line 369)

Describe this variable

A4 = 69 (line 441)

Describe this variable

A5 = 81 (line 513)

Describe this variable

A6 = 93 (line 585)

Describe this variable

A7 = 105 (line 657)

Describe this variable

A8 = 117 (line 729)

Describe this variable

AcousticBassDrum = 35 (line 795)

Describe this variable

AcousticSnare = 38 (line 813)

Describe this variable

ASharp0 = 22 (line 159)

Describe this variable

ASharp1 = 34 (line 231)

Describe this variable

ASharp2 = 46 (line 303)

Describe this variable

ASharp3 = 58 (line 375)

Describe this variable

ASharp4 = 70 (line 447)

Describe this variable

ASharp5 = 82 (line 519)

Describe this variable

ASharp6 = 94 (line 591)

Describe this variable

ASharp7 = 106 (line 663)

Describe this variable

ASharp8 = 118 (line 735)

Describe this variable

ASharpX = 10 (line 87)

Describe this variable

AX = 9 (line 81)

Describe this variable

B0 = 23 (line 165)

Describe this variable

B1 = 35 (line 237)

Describe this variable

B2 = 47 (line 309)

Describe this variable

B3 = 59 (line 381)

Describe this variable

B4 = 71 (line 453)

Describe this variable

B5 = 83 (line 525)

Describe this variable

B6 = 95 (line 597)

Describe this variable

B7 = 107 (line 669)

Describe this variable

B8 = 119 (line 741)

Describe this variable

BassDrum1 = 36 (line 801)

Describe this variable

BX = 11 (line 93)

Describe this variable

C0 = 12 (line 99)

Describe this variable

C1 = 24 (line 171)

Describe this variable

C2 = 36 (line 243)

Describe this variable

C3 = 48 (line 315)

Describe this variable

C4 = 60 (line 387)

Describe this variable

C5 = 72 (line 459)

Describe this variable

C6 = 84 (line 531)

Describe this variable

C7 = 96 (line 603)

Describe this variable

C8 = 108 (line 675)

Describe this variable

C9 = 120 (line 747)

Describe this variable

Cabasa = 69 (line 999)

Describe this variable

ChineseCymbal = 52 (line 897)

Describe this variable

Claves = 75 (line 1035)

Describe this variable

ClosedHiHat = 42 (line 837)

Describe this variable

Cowbell = 56 (line 921)

Describe this variable

CrashCymbal1 = 49 (line 879)

Describe this variable

CrashCymbal2 = 57 (line 927)

Describe this variable

CSharp0 = 13 (line 105)

Describe this variable

CSharp1 = 25 (line 177)

Describe this variable

CSharp2 = 37 (line 249)

Describe this variable

CSharp3 = 49 (line 321)

Describe this variable

CSharp4 = 61 (line 393)

Describe this variable

CSharp5 = 73 (line 465)

Describe this variable

CSharp6 = 85 (line 537)

Describe this variable

CSharp7 = 97 (line 609)

Describe this variable

CSharp8 = 109 (line 681)

Describe this variable

CSharp9 = 121 (line 753)

Describe this variable

CSharpX = 1 (line 33)

Describe this variable

CX = 0 (line 27)

Describe this variable

D0 = 14 (line 111)

Describe this variable

D1 = 26 (line 183)

Describe this variable

D2 = 38 (line 255)

Describe this variable

D3 = 50 (line 327)

Describe this variable

D4 = 62 (line 399)

Describe this variable

D5 = 74 (line 471)

Describe this variable

D6 = 86 (line 543)

Describe this variable

D7 = 98 (line 615)

Describe this variable

D8 = 110 (line 687)

Describe this variable

D9 = 122 (line 759)

Describe this variable

DSharp0 = 15 (line 117)

Describe this variable

DSharp1 = 27 (line 189)

Describe this variable

DSharp2 = 39 (line 261)

Describe this variable

DSharp3 = 51 (line 333)

Describe this variable

DSharp4 = 63 (line 405)

Describe this variable

DSharp5 = 75 (line 477)

Describe this variable

DSharp6 = 87 (line 549)

Describe this variable

DSharp7 = 99 (line 621)

Describe this variable

DSharp8 = 111 (line 693)

Describe this variable

DSharp9 = 123 (line 765)

Describe this variable

DSharpX = 3 (line 45)

Describe this variable

DX = 2 (line 39)

Describe this variable

E0 = 16 (line 123)

Describe this variable

E1 = 28 (line 195)

Describe this variable

E2 = 40 (line 267)

Describe this variable

E3 = 52 (line 339)

Describe this variable

E4 = 64 (line 411)

Describe this variable

E5 = 76 (line 483)

Describe this variable

E6 = 88 (line 555)

Describe this variable

E7 = 100 (line 627)

Describe this variable

E8 = 112 (line 699)

Describe this variable

E9 = 124 (line 771)

Describe this variable

ElectricSnare = 40 (line 825)

Describe this variable

EX = 4 (line 51)

Describe this variable

F0 = 17 (line 129)

Describe this variable

F1 = 29 (line 201)

Describe this variable

F2 = 41 (line 273)

Describe this variable

F3 = 53 (line 345)

Describe this variable

F4 = 65 (line 417)

Describe this variable

F5 = 77 (line 489)

Describe this variable

F6 = 89 (line 561)

Describe this variable

F7 = 101 (line 633)

Describe this variable

F8 = 113 (line 705)

Describe this variable

F9 = 125 (line 777)

Describe this variable

FSharp0 = 18 (line 135)

Describe this variable

FSharp1 = 30 (line 207)

Describe this variable

FSharp2 = 42 (line 279)

Describe this variable

FSharp3 = 54 (line 351)

Describe this variable

FSharp4 = 66 (line 423)

Describe this variable

FSharp5 = 78 (line 495)

Describe this variable

FSharp6 = 90 (line 567)

Describe this variable

FSharp7 = 102 (line 639)

Describe this variable

FSharp8 = 114 (line 711)

Describe this variable

FSharp9 = 126 (line 783)

Describe this variable

FSharpX = 6 (line 63)

Describe this variable

FX = 5 (line 57)

Describe this variable

G0 = 19 (line 141)

Describe this variable

G1 = 31 (line 213)

Describe this variable

G2 = 43 (line 285)

Describe this variable

G3 = 55 (line 357)

Describe this variable

G4 = 67 (line 429)

Describe this variable

G5 = 79 (line 501)

Describe this variable

G6 = 91 (line 573)

Describe this variable

G7 = 103 (line 645)

Describe this variable

G8 = 115 (line 717)

Describe this variable

G9 = 127 (line 789)

Describe this variable

GSharp0 = 20 (line 147)

Describe this variable

GSharp1 = 32 (line 219)

Describe this variable

GSharp2 = 44 (line 291)

Describe this variable

GSharp3 = 56 (line 363)

Describe this variable

GSharp4 = 68 (line 435)

Describe this variable

GSharp5 = 80 (line 507)

Describe this variable

GSharp6 = 92 (line 579)

Describe this variable

GSharp7 = 104 (line 651)

Describe this variable

GSharp8 = 116 (line 723)

Describe this variable

GSharpX = 8 (line 75)

Describe this variable

GX = 7 (line 69)

Describe this variable

HandClap = 39 (line 819)

Describe this variable

HiBongo = 60 (line 945)

Describe this variable

HighAgogo = 67 (line 987)

Describe this variable

HighFloorTom = 43 (line 843)

Describe this variable

HighTimbale = 65 (line 975)

Describe this variable

HighTom = 50 (line 885)

Describe this variable

HiMidTom = 48 (line 873)

Describe this variable

HiWoodBlock = 76 (line 1041)

Describe this variable

LongGuiro = 74 (line 1029)

Describe this variable

LongWhistle = 72 (line 1017)

Describe this variable

LowAgogo = 68 (line 993)

Describe this variable

LowBongo = 61 (line 951)

Describe this variable

LowConga = 64 (line 969)

Describe this variable

LowFloorTom = 41 (line 831)

Describe this variable

LowMidTom = 47 (line 867)

Describe this variable

LowTimbale = 66 (line 981)

Describe this variable

LowTom = 45 (line 855)

Describe this variable

LowWoodBlock = 77 (line 1047)

Describe this variable

Maracas = 70 (line 1005)

Describe this variable

MuteCuica = 78 (line 1053)

Describe this variable

MuteHiConga = 62 (line 957)

Describe this variable

MuteTriangle = 80 (line 1065)

Describe this variable

OpenCuica = 79 (line 1059)

Describe this variable

OpenHiConga = 63 (line 963)

Describe this variable

OpenHiHat = 46 (line 861)

Describe this variable

OpenTriangle = 81 (line 1071)

Describe this variable

PedalHiHat = 44 (line 849)

Describe this variable

RideBell = 53 (line 903)

Describe this variable

RideCymbal1 = 51 (line 891)

Describe this variable

RideCymbal2 = 59 (line 939)

Describe this variable

Shaker = 82 (line 1077)

Describe this variable

ShortGuiro = 73 (line 1023)

Describe this variable

ShortWhistle = 71 (line 1011)

Describe this variable

SideStick = 37 (line 807)

Describe this variable

SplashCymbal = 55 (line 915)

Describe this variable

Tambourine = 54 (line 909)

Describe this variable

Vibraslap = 58 (line 933)

Describe this variable

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