Class ParseState


Represents the current state during parsing

  • since: 1.0

Located in /Parsing/ParseState.php (line 21)

Class Constant Summary
 DELTA = 2
 EOF = 4
 EVENT = 3
Class Constants
DELTA = 2 (line 39)

The next chunk is expected to be a delta time

EOF = 4 (line 51)

Parsing done, the end of the file is expected

EVENT = 3 (line 45)

The next chunk is expected to be a MIDI event

FILE_HEADER = 0 (line 27)

The next chunk is expected to be a file header

TRACK_HEADER = 1 (line 33)

The next chunk is expected to be a track header

Documentation generated on Sun, 25 Oct 2009 22:38:20 -0700 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3